
Neldana? [What's this?]

My name's [niasssu], and I'm the developer of this website. I made this website because I thought it would just be cool to have one. I also find it a bit enjoyable to work on/mess with it.

2JUL2024: i've decided to keep this website alive. i still don't know what to add or what to say, but i'm not voiding this webaddress.

0JUN2024: i wonder if it's worth it, keeping this site alive. i barely change the layout now, i hardly have anything worth saying. i don't know how to progress the story of [cow] and i haven't drawn anything good in a while.
...ah, i knew i would get here sooner or later.

26MAY2024 // dw nothing's actually been deleted! just not putting that stuff on the main page for right now. they're going back on the link directory soon though.
// there you go back to normal [a little].

14MAY2024 ] i really dont have anything to say anymore atm so the site might not update besides a few tweaks here-and there. i might still draw and post on my socials but im p burnt-out/bored w itaorn.

// Tweaked the lobby layout a little bit.
// Ported this text from the js file since it's not working the way I hoped it would.

// found out about the span element last week... i've been using a without an href this whole time like a dummy.

// Thinking I should change the site's layout again.

// So, my drawing tablet's been finnicky recently, and I thought it was a software issue in libwacom or whatever. Nope, looks like a hardware issue, and knowing my terrible luck it's probably the tablet and not the pc.
// Turns out I was wrong, actually! The USB port is what's messing up, not the tablet. I suppose I'll get a bt adapter now...

// I noticed a problem with the iframe, that the window.location.replace(); buttons load their new page inside the iframe only. How do I fix this??
// Made a temporary solution for now | for all the pages to redirect to [lnkdir] instead of the main page. But what I want is for the new page to overlay the whole tab, not just the iframe. Does this make sense at all?